It is important to know the road rules to keep everyone safe on our roads.
Since we also share the road with bicycles, make sure you also know these sharing the road rules.
A significant rule that is too often broken on our roads is the speed we travel.
The number one cause of crashes on the Northern Beaches is speeding and it’s costing more than lives. Speed-related fatalities cost the community around $290 million each year.
The incidence of drivers exceeding the speed limit on the public road system particularly local roads often raises safety concerns in the local community. Drivers who speed are breaking the law and are increasing their risk of having a crash.
What is speeding?
By definition "speeding" is travelling over the legal (posted) speed limit or driving too fast for the conditions or for the driver's skill and experience. (National Road Safety Partnership Program).
View this NRSPP infographic poster for more facts about the impact of speeding.
Speeding and parking
Parking on both sides of the road results in traffic slowing down to better negotiate the crowded road. This is an advantage in many locations as it forces vehicles to slow down.
How you can help

Report to Police
The most effective deterrent is police enforcement.
Please let the police know of areas where there is regular speeding.
Specific information on precise locations, times and days of the week will assist police provide a targeted response.

Report to Council
Use our online customer service help system to log roads or traffic infrastructure (such as roundabouts and traffic islands) that need repair, a road spill, or request a kerb and gutter.
Council will follow up on all public-raised issues on speeding on council roads. We also have access to speed and crash data which is regularly reviewed with respect to implementing preventative actions.
These are primarily:
- signage by itself is only partially effective as it relies on driver behaviour. Only Transport for NSW can approve a change to speed limit.
- traffic calming devices are an effective means of reducing speeds however they can create controversy and complaints from the community due to noise, loss of parking, impacts of property access or allegations of damage to vehicles.
It is not practical or cost effective to construct these devices in all streets. Priority is given to streets where there is data to demonstrate that there are issues in terms of speed, crash history and/or high through traffic and volumes. They will only be installed where it is safe to do so and after a consultation and approval process.

Slow Down In My Street - bin stickers
Bin stickers are a quick reminder to passing drivers to slow down on local streets and to drive to conditions.
You can help to deliver a strong message that speeding is not acceptable on your street.
Order these free stickers by emailing our Road Safety Officers (maximum of 5 stickers per request).

Educate yourself
You can help educate and encourage others by modelling safe driving behaviour in our community.
- Be sure to keep to posted speed limits, especially in school zones, near pedestrian crossings and in high pedestrian activity zones.
- Educate yourself with more information from the Centre for Road Safety
- Council's Road Safety team regularly promotes safe driving behaviour through educational campaigns and workshops. View the event calendar