The Northern Beaches contains some very beautiful streets.
The former Pittwater Council adopted a list of 45 streets that were nominated by the community for their outstanding features based on three categories: vegetation, views or a common theme.
If you reside in a street listed in the Register, we ask that you respect the identified qualities.
Maintaining the nature strip
Please use the following guidelines to maintain the nature strip outside your home:
Provide a cleared area for pedestrians to walk along safely (unless your street is in a bushland setting)
Define the boundary of your property so people feel confident that they are not trespassing on your property
If you are using hedges on the boundary of your property, keep the hedge pruned to about one metre for front fences and about 1.8 metres for side fences adjoining road reserves
Plant canopy trees for an attractive, shaded streetscape. Their tall trunks and loose branching structure provide filtered views
You may also consider planting low growing plants instead of lawn if this suits your street
Contact Council to ensure you are selecting the right tree for the right place. In some situations, Council can provide trees for free
To carry out work on the nature strip, including planting, you must contact Council for approval first using the Minor Encroachments/Constructions within Road Reserve Application Form. This is a condition of the Roads Act, 1993.
Adding to the Register
If you do not reside in a street listed in the Register, you may like to work towards improving your street because the Register will be updated and expanded over time.