This video shows what It takes a Village is all about - connect to your neighbours, get involved and give back to your community.
Having good neighbours and a strong community can be more important than you realise – if you’re more engaged with your neighbours your street will be a better place to live in.
Loneliness and isolation can be bad for your health and knowing your neighbours can improve your health and wellbeing.
It Takes a Village (ITAV) Program
Our It Takes a Village program encourages you to build stronger bonds with your neighbours and to get involved in your community.
Here's some ways to get you started!

Host a Meet Your Neighbour Party
Neighbourhood parties are a great way to get to know your neighbours. Your party can be as small as a BBQ in your local park or as big as closing down your street with Council’s help. We've created an easy step-by-step guide to walk you through how to hold a Meet Your Neighbour Party.

Meet Your Neighbour Quiz
Would you call yourself a good neighbour? Take a 5-minute quiz to find out how connected to your neighbours you really are. The quiz will also help identify areas for improvement so you can become a more socially connected neighbour.

Meet Your Neighbour Challenge
We invite you to participate in a four-week challenge. Each week, you’ll receive tips, videos, information and actions direct to your inbox. Explore why we all are “better together”. We'll offer ideas and resources for how to build community resilience.

Get involved in your local community
There are so many great ways you can get involved in your community – you can volunteer, or try something new while meeting new people. As well as making a difference to the lives of others, volunteering helps you to develop skills, create new social networks, meet like-minded people and be actively engaged in the community.

Prepare each other for Emergencies
Get ready and help your neighbours for unpredictable events. There are five simple steps to get ready and how you can help people which might not be as able.