
Applications lodged via the NSW Planning Portal

The following applications are mandated to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.

Refer to each page for information on required documentation and steps to take prior to lodgement.

How to lodge your application on the NSW Planning Portal

To assist you in lodging your application via the NSW Planning Portal, we have provided some simple steps to guide you through the process. Should you encounter any difficulties, please refer to the advice under the Support for our Applicants section below.

Step 1 - Register or Login

Access the NSW Planning Portal and either login to your existing account or if you don't have an account you will need to create one, and can refer to this guide(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window) for assistance.

Step 2 - Enter your development proposal and application details

Refer to this guide(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window) for the steps to create a new application. Please note, the Planning Portal automatically creates a form called a 'Pre-DA form' based on the information provided by the applicant at lodgement.

Step 3 - Completeness Check

Once you have submitted your application, Council will review the documentation for completeness, and will make a decision based on the information submitted to:

  • ACCEPT the application,
  • REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION with a list of matters to be addressed, or
  • RETURN the application.


The applicant will receive an email from the NSW Planning Portal advising of the outcome and next steps.

See the FAQ's section below for instructions on how to lodge additional information, resubmit a returned application or withdraw an application.

Step 4 - Fee Estimator, portal lodgement fee and payment

Step 5 - Track the progress of your application

To track the progress of your application, refer to Council's Application Search. The Planner assessing the DA will communicate with the applicant throughout the assessment process.

Support available for our applicants

NSW Planning Portal Account Enquiries

Should you encounter difficulties with logging in, or registering for your Planning Portal account, refer to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure's FAQ web page(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window), call Service NSW on 1300 305 695, or email

Development Applications, Modifications and Reviews

Enquiries relating to Development Applications, Modification of Consent Applications and Review of Determination Applications. Contact Council on 1300 434 434 to speak to the relevant department:

  • Planning Officer in the Development Advisory Services Team - To obtain advice on specific documents required to lodge your application (e.g. Technical reports and architectural plans) and to discuss queries about additional information requested, or
  • Business Systems & Administration Team - To discuss fees applicable/find out how to pay, or to find out which Planner the application has been allocated to.

Post Consent Certificates

Contact Council on 1300 434 434 to speak to Environmental Compliance - Business & Administration Team for enquiries relating to Appointing Council as a Principal Certifiers, Construction Certificates, Occupation Certificates and Building Information Certificates.

Subdivision Certificates and Subdivision Works Certificate

Contact Council on 1300 434 434 to speak to Development Engineers for enquiries relating to Subdivision Certificates and Subdivision Works Certificates including status of application or which Building Surveyor has been allocated your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once my application is submitted through the Planning Portal, how long can I expect to wait until I response from Council?

Our KPI to review your application and provide you with a response is two business days, however this may vary for more complex applications.

My property address is not appearing in the Planning Portal?

If you have entered your address in the search box and it is not appearing, select the tick box next to 'Address did not display?' and re-type your address then select next and it should appear.

I don't have access to a personal computer, where can I lodge my application?

Council's library services offer free computer services for the community. We have libraries located in Dee Why, Forestville, Glen Street, Manly, Mona Vale and Warringah Mall. Find more information on Council's library services and opening hours here.

How do I lodge additional information?

Where it is identified that a relatively minor item of additional information is required, Council will not return the application and instead request applicants provide the extra information through the Portal. Council's request will clearly outline what information is required to be submitted to make the application complete and allow it to be accepted and processed, and the deadline to provide the information.

Use this guide for steps to lodge additional information in the Portal. Note, to prevent delays applicants should upload all requested additional information at the same time.

Contact our Planning Officer on 1300 434 434 if you have technical queries about the additional information we've requested.

How do I resubmit a returned Development Application?

For applications which have been returned due to insufficient information, Council will provide a list of missing documentation so applicants know what to upload next time.

Please note, all completed development applications can be copied to create new applications. Open the development application from your Completed Work and select Copy Application then choose either State DA or Council DA to initiate a new development application. All the information entered on the development application will be copied, where possible, please make sure you proofread the application form as there may be new questions if the consent authority changes. All documents will need to be uploaded again.

How do I withdraw a Development Application?

Refer to this guide for steps to withdraw a Development Application in the Planning Portal.

Forms you may need

DA Pre-Lodgement Meeting

Development Application (DA) Pre-Lodgement meetings provide the applicant an opportunity to obtain preliminary advice on development proposals prior to lodgement of a formal DA.  Meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays remotely.

Form #2102
Design Sustainability Advisory Panel (DSAP) Meeting

A DSAP meeting is required for major development proposals including boarding houses, multi-unit housing, SEPP 65, or large commercial or industrial development. The application fee includes a DSAP meeting followed by a Pre-Lodgement meeting.

DSAP meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month and Pre-Lodgement meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Form #2100
Development Application & Modification Lodgement Requirements

Council has developed a Lodgement Requirements guide to assist applicants in preparing their Development Application for lodgement. The guide includes lodgement instructions, as well as the mandatory documentation Council require. Documentation required will depend on the nature of the development proposal, the location of the site, and any site constraints. Applicants may contact Council’s Development Advisory Service on 1300 434 434 should they need assistance in confirming what documentation is required.

Refer to our Lodge your Application page for Planning Portal registration and lodgement instructions and Frequently Asked Questions.

Form #2060
Development Application & Modification Lodgement Requirements for Small Business 23/24

Refer to this guide when preparing to lodge a Development Application, Modification Application or Review of Determination Application for a small business.

The guide is a streamlined version of the standard DA lodgement requirement form, to remove those supporting documents which are not generally required for small business development applications.

Form #2107
Heritage Exemption Application

To seek exemption under s.5.10(3) of the LEP from the requirement for development consent for works of a minor nature or for the maintenance of a heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place of heritage significance, archaeological site, or within a heritage conservation area. 

Form #2032
Owners Consent Form - Development Application

From 1 January 2023 the EP&A Regulation 2021 requires written land owners consent for all Development Applications, Modification Applications and Review of Determination Applications where the applicant is not the owner. Applicants must ensure all relevant owner’s details are provided in both the Planning Portal and on this form to prevent delays. Refer to the Development Application Lodgement Requirements for further information.

Form #2097