Take our quiz and find out how well you know the road rules. 

When is it legal for motorcyclists to lane filter?

Q1. When is it legal for motorcyclists to lane filter?

Correct answer: C. When travelling less than 30km/hr or through stationary & slow moving-traffic

If you are caught moving between traffic at over 30km/h, you face heavy fines and three demerit points under an offence called lane splitting.

It is illegal to lane filter: next to the kerb, next to parked vehicles, or in school zones during school zone hours.

You should be aware of your surroundings and only lane filter when it’s safe.

You are only allowed to lane filter if you are fully-licensed motorcyclist.

You must comply with all existing road rules when lane filtering. This includes stopping before the stop line at a red traffic light or stop sign, never in front or over it.

Who can lane filter on a motorcycle?

Q2. Who can lane filter on a motorcycle?

Correct answer: D. Only fully licensed motorcycle riders

Which of the following is true regarding motorcycle helmets?

Q3. Which of the following is true regarding motorcycle helmets?

Correct answer: D. All of the above

All motorcycle helmets used on NSE roads must comply with AS/NZS 1698 or United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No 22 and be labelled accordingly.

When should you conduct a maintenance check on your bike?

Q4. When should you conduct a maintenance check on your bike?

Correct answer: C. As well as regular servicing, it is also important to inspect the bike more frequently to identify any maintenance or safety issues

Here is a safety check list:

  • -  Tyre pressures and tread
  • -  Fluid levels in engine, coolant and brakes
  • -  Nut and bolt tightness
  • -  Lights, indicators and horn
  • -  Brake pads
  • -  Chain and sprockets
  • -  Suspension
What tests are used to calculate MotoCap Safety Ratings for motorcycle rider clothing?

Q5. What tests are used to calculate MotoCap Safety Ratings for motorcycle rider clothing?

Correct answer: D. All of the above

In addition to a safety rating, MotoCap also gives a comfort rating which is based on how comfortable the clothing is when worn in the Australian climate.

You should visit the MotoCap website to compare gear options based on safety and comfort ratings and choose the right gear for your ride.