The Community Development grant streams support projects and initiatives that focus on improving equality in the local area and reducing disadvantage and deliver direct benefit to local people, communities and the environment of the Northern Beaches Local Government Area.
Applications for the 2024/25 Community Development Grants Program have now closed
Key dates
- 27 Jun 2024: Applications open 11am
- 5 Aug 2024: Applications close 3pm
- Aug - Oct 2024: Eligibility screening, assessment and Council approval
- Early Nov 2024: Notification to applicants
- Late Nov 2024: Distribution of funding
- Nov 2024 – 31 Dec 2025: Projects delivered
- 31 Jan 2026: Acquittal reports due
Application support
Eligible applicants include:
- Community groups and organisations, social enterprises and incorporated and unincorporated not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to $5,000 to the Small Grants category.
- Incorporated, not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to $10,000 to the Community Development Grants category.
Ineligible applicants include:
- State or Federal Government organisations
- Political parties or projects supporting polititical parties or agendas
- Individuals and organisations other than not-for-profits without an eligible sponsor
- Projects that do not address the stated project outcomes.
To be eligible for funding, applicants must:
- Acquit any previous Council grants or sponsorships in the specified timeline, including proof of expenditure. Some previous grant timelines may overlap, in which case you should ring and talk to a relevant staff member to provide an update on the status of the funded project
- Have no outstanding debts owed to Council
- Demonstrate the grant will be used for a purpose in the public interest primarily for the local community.
General exclusions
Northern Beaches Council does not provide grants to projects that:
- Duplicate existing services or programs unless there is a demonstrated additional need
- Have already occurred (no retrospective funding)
- Projects already funded by another Northern Beaches Council grant program
- Multiple applicants submitting applications for the same project
- Same applicant submitting different projects to the same grant program (only one project application per grant program)
- Operational expenses, such as rent, ongoing staff wages, insurance, utilities, day-to-day general office supplies not directly related to the project
- Travel or accommodation expenses
- Council does not provide fee waivers or free use for in-house design, printing and distribution service, hall or reserve/field hire, street closures, or cleansing and waste service for events. These costs must be included in the application budget.
Funding available
Small Grants category
Up to $5,000
Community groups and organisations, social enterprises and incorporated and unincorporated not-for-profit organisations
Funding Priorities
Projects that maintain and grow community groups, services and activities promoting inclusion, participation and social connections.
Assessment Criteria
- Addresses one or more of the funding priorities in grant category
- Has a clear rationale with identified community need
- Demonstrates value for money with a detailed budget and capacity to manage the funds
Project outcomes
This grant program supports projects that contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
- Increased community safety and inclusion
- Increased social connections and participation in community life
- Improved access to information, services, programs and facilities
- Increased community capacity to care for self and others.
Community Development category
Up to $10,000
Incorporated, not-for-profit organisations
Funding Priorities
1. Projects aligned with Council’s Multicultural Inclusion Plan that:
- Celebrate diversity and cultural expression (Welcoming)
- Make people feel safe, connected and included in community life (Participating)
2. Projects that build community connections for any of the following:
- Priority populations including young people (12-24), families, older people (60+), First Nations, LGBTQ+ community, multicultural communities, people living with disability, people experiencing domestic violence, mental ill-health or are at risk of homelessness.
- Intergroup connections between our diverse communities
- Intergenerational connections
Assessment Criteria
- Addresses one or more of the funding priorities in grant category
- Addresses one or more of the project outcomes
- Has a clear rationale with identified community need
- Demonstrates value for money with a detailed budget and capacity to manage the funds
- Evidence of effective planning, consultation, networking or project partnerships
Project outcomes
This grant program supports projects that contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
- Increased community safety and inclusion
- Increased social connections and participation in community life
- Improved access to information, services, programs and facilities
- Increased community capacity to care for self and others.
If you need further support, then you can contact us on:
- Phone: Phone: 02 8495 5410 or 02 8495 6119
- Email:
Please refer to FAQs (p44) in our Guidelines for answers to commonly asked questions.
To speak to a Council officer with an interpreter, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the Northern Beaches Council on 02 8495 5410.
General resources are available on our Grant Resources page.
Grant writing webinars are available on Council’s website to view anytime. The webinars cover general overview of grant writing with shorter videos on other relevant topics.
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