The Environmental Grants Program has been established to meet the community interest and provide financial support for environmental and sustainability issues on the Northern Beaches.
The objective of the Environmental Grants Program is to assist Council and to support the community to deliver the aspirations and commitments in our recently adopted Protect.Create.Live - Northern Beaches Environment and Climate Change Strategy. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Strategy and align proposed projects to its themes and goals.
The Environmental Grants Program 2024/25 is now closed.
Key dates
- Thur 27 June 2024, 10am - applications open,
- Mon 5 Aug 2024, 3pm - applications close,
- Late Nov 2024 - applicants notified,
- Dec 2024 - distribution of funding,
- Dec 2024 - 31 Dec 2025 - projects delivered.
Application support
Eligible Applicants
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisation
- All other types of community organisations, unincorporated community groups, individuals and sole traders sponsored /auspiced by an eligible not-for-profit organisation that is able to apply in their own right. Non-local applicants must demonstrate tangible benefits to the Northern Beaches community. If you are choosing a sponsor, we encourage you to choose one that is relevant to the sector and that can support the implementation of the proposal.
In addition, applicants must:
- Be up-to-date with any Council grant reporting or acquittals. Some previous grant timelines may overlap, in which case you should contact the relevant Council staff member to provide an update on the status of the funded project
- Have no outstanding debts owed to Council
- Demonstrate the grant will be used for a purpose in the public interest primarily for the local community.
Ineligible applicants
- State government organisations
- Political parties
- For profit bodies
- Schools, including parent and citizen associations
Schools, including parent and citizen associations, are welcome to contact Council to discuss funding opportunities that may be suitable. For more information, please contact 9970 1678, email Jules.Bellamy@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Funding available
Up to $5,000 (excl. GST) for one-year programs. Multi-year applications are not supported. Partial funding may be recommended for various reasons. Projects can commence following signing and returning the funding agreement to Council along with a valid tax Invoice. Templates for invoices will be provided. All projects must be implemented between November 2023 and 31 December 2024 unless otherwise agreed.
Assessment criteria
All eligible applications will be assessed by an expert assessment panel consisting of Council officers and community members. Funding is limited and only applications meeting the assessment criteria to a high degree are likely to be recommended for funding.
Grant applications will be assessed against the following assessment criteria:
Essential criteria
- Demonstrates a clear rationale for the initiative with key deliverables clearly stated that address at least one of the funding priority areas.
- Applicant clearly demonstrates rationale for project and connection to one of the funding priorities
- Applicant has clear key deliverables (a deliverable – specific, tangible and/or quantifiable things that will be delivered through the grant funded project)
- For bush regeneration projects - applicant to include letters of support from Council
- Demonstrates a positive environmental impact in the short and long-term including how this will be measured and maintained.
- Applicant has clear and achievable outcomes (outcomes, something that follows as a result or consequence of the grant project)
- Applicant clearly outlines how they will measure and maintain outcomes.
- Capacity and demonstrated ability of the applicant to manage a well-planned project.
- Applicant demonstrates the capacity to manage the project including letters of support, copies of insurance, and any other evidence to support their capacity.
- A realistic budget with all income and expenditure identified.
- Applicant provides a detailed budget with clear income and expenditure breakdown including quotes for any equipment, goods or services over $2,000.
Highly regarded criteria
- Evidence of partnerships with other organisations.
- Applicant has provided letters of support from any community or local partnerships.
- Applications that address more than one category and/or priority.
- Experimental, innovative ideas and approaches.
- Applicant has a clearly outlined approach to deliver their project that has been well considered and uses
experimental ideas and innovation.
- Longevity of the initiative.
- Useful questions to consider
- Why are you proposing this project?
- What outcome(s) do you want to achieve?
- How does this project address a key priority or multiple key priorities of Council?
- How does this project involve community members and build their capacity?
- How is the activity inclusive of people from diverse demographics?
- Do you or your organisation have the skills and capacity to deliver this project?
If you need further support, then you can contact us on:
- Phone: 02 8495 5648
- Email: environmentalgrants@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Please refer to FAQs (p40) in our Guidelines for answers to commonly asked questions.
To speak to a Council officer with an interpreter, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the Northern Beaches Council on 02 8495 7564.
Grant writing resources are available on Council’s website anytime. There is a webinar that provides a general overview of grant writing with shorter videos on other relevant topics. Please note the grant writing webinar is general in nature and not specific to any particular grant program.
For more information and to enquire about your application please call Jacqueline Grove or Renee Cleary on 1300 434 434 or email: environmentalgrants@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Join the notification list
Be added to the grants mailing list and be kept informed about Council's grant programs and future grant writing sessions.
Want to get involved in this program?
Each year Council seeks expressions of interest from local residents, who have expertise in the environment and sustainability sectors, to fill community representative positions on the Environmental Grants Assessment Panel. For more information, and to apply, visit our Grants Assessment Panel Community Representatives webpage.