Peter Kingston, November Ferry, 2004
Since 1924, donations have been fundamental to MAG&M’s evolution.
Make a donation
As MAG&M embarks on its second centenary, we rely on our community to support its ongoing growth for future generations. Through donating, you will play a vital role in growing and caring for the Collection, supporting exhibitions and programs, and building renewal to ensure it is fit for purpose as Northern Beaches’ major cultural institution well into its second centenary.
Contributions of all sizes are valued, and donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donors who give
over $1,000 will be publicly acknowledged (at your discretion).
You can donate online, over the phone or in person at the Gallery.
(02) 8495 5036
To donate online click on the button below:
Donate artworks or historical items
Our collection has been enriched with the kind donations of artworks and historical items from private donors and artists such as Colonel Alfred Spain, Lady Askin, Roger Pietri, Theo Batten, Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Ethel Carrick, Joshua Yeldham, Lloyd Rees, Margaret Preston, and Noel McKenna, amongst others.
We welcome gifts to the collection that are in line with the Northern Beaches Cultural Collections and Gifts Policy and Guidelines. Gifts are accepted through the Cultural Gifts Program and are tax deductible.
If you are considering donating a piece, please send an image along with the relevant information, including the artist's name, title of the work, date of creation, and its provenance, to our curatorial team at artgallery@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au.
Current donors
MAG&M would like to thank the following major donors to our Collection 100 Appeal. We thank all of our donors for their generosity and vision.
- Cyndi Jaques
- Brian Hamer
- Anonymous
- Joanne Willcocks