The bush surrounding Manly Dam is a special place that includes remnants of Aboriginal camps. It is home to a wide diversity of flora and fauna, including a number of threatened species. Please respect the bush and minimise your impact by staying on marked tracks and washing soil from your boots before entering the park.
Park Circuit Track
Distance: 7.3km
Time: 3 hours
Grade: Some steep sections, mostly easy walking. This track is shared with mountain bike riders.
Access: Section 1, Dam Wall or Section 4 picnic area
Attractions: Waterfalls, rockpools, wildflowers, birdwatching, frog spotting
Wildflower Walk
Distance: 0.35km
Time: 15 min each way
Grade: Gentle slope, easy walking
Access: Road next to Section 3 carpark
Attractions: Thick woodland and seasonal blooms
Nature Trail
Distance: 1.5km
Time: 40 min each way
Grade: Some steep sections, mostly easy walking
Access: 100m inside the main gate, next to interpretive map
Attractions: Scenic views, sandstone cliffs
McCombs Hill Track
Distance: 1km
Time: 25 min round trip
Grade: Some steep sections, mostly easy walking
Access: 100m inside the main gate, next to interpretive map
Attractions: Excellent views of surrounding district
Curl Curl Track
Distance: 2km
Time: 1 hour circuit
Grade: Some steep sections, mostly easy walking
Access: Intersection of Circuit Track and Curl Curl Creek
Attractions: Rockpools, cool wet forest, echidnas
Eva’s Track
Distance: 2km
Time: 1 hour circuit
Grade: Gentle slope, easy walking
Access: From the section of fire trail linking the Circuit Track to Allambie Heights
Attractions: Rock platforms, views over Manly
Heath Track
Distance: 1km
Time: 25 min
Gulgadya Muru – Aboriginal Self Guided Walk
Grade: Gradual climb, generally easy walking
Access: Via fire trail next to tennis courts on Roosevelt Ave, Allambie Heights
Attractions: Spectacular views and wildflowers
The Gulgadya Muru, or Aboriginal self-guided walk, gives everyone the opportunity to see Manly Dam through the eyes of its original inhabitants.
You can see evidence of Aboriginal life including rock engravings and paintings as well as axe grinding grooves. You may also be lucky enough to discover the remains of ancient camp sites such as stone tools, baked clay, fire blackened stones and charcoal.
The full Gulgadya Muru brochure, including information about stops along the track, can be picked up at Council's Civic Centre, Libraries and the Manly Dam Office.
Walk Type: Circuit
Distance: 350m to 8km.
Duration: 20 minutes to 3 hours.
Grade: Nature Trail only - easy. Park Circuit track - hard.
Facilities available: Toilets, barbecues, picnic tables and playgrounds.
Potential Hazards: Uneven surfaces, tree roots and rocks. Be wary of vehicles while walking along the road.
Dogs and related information
- Dogs are not permitted in the picnic areas, internal roads, carparks and the lake (waterbody) at any time.
- Dogs are permitted on-leash under control on the tracks and trails in the bushland and are not permitted anywhere else in the bushland.
- Penalties apply.
- Please be aware that the mountain bike trail and the walking tracks are very well used particularly on weekends and holidays.
- During fox baiting periods dogs are not permitted at Manly Dam as per signage on-site.
- Please be mindful that Manly Dam is a Wildlife Protection Area.