We’re upgrading Manly Dam Mountain Bike Trail with some $1 million in works to make the trail safer, provide a better riding experience and reduce environmental impacts.
The popular track is around 11km long and is a mixture of single track, shared track and fire trail. It is the only authorised mountain bike track through Council bushland.
Some of the works have been delayed due to ongoing wet weather.
During works, any track closures will be listed on the Manly Dam mountain bike page as well as our social channels.

19th hole upgrade at Allambie
December 2023
- Realignment of the trail, changing the straight line to a series of banked turns to slow the approach to the 3m rock drop
- The creation of a ‘green line’ at the rock drop to make it more usable for people who are new to the sport of mountain biking
- Water management above the site to reduce water erosion and to decrease the amount of closures of the section following wet weather events

Status – last update August 2024
Access to the 19th hole has at times been cut off, and progress delayed due to ongoing heavy rain over the past year.
We anticipate regaining access and finishing the shaping and topcoating of the banks this August. After that, we'll construct a ramp to create a green line around the drop, making it easier for beginners and adaptive riders to navigate the 19th Hole drop. Additionally, we're working on restoring the bushland surrounding the site.
Manning Street North Balgowlah/Seaforth
Works include construction of a new section of trail (roughly 400m in length) which will move the current alignment off the narrow footpath across the road from the school and eliminate clashes between riders and pedestrians especially at school drop off and pick up times.
Status - last updated August 2024
The Manning Street reroute project is currently on hold as the State Heritage department reviews the plans. Work will begin once the review is complete.
Golf course entry
Upgrade of section of trail that traverses the vehicle entry to the Wakehurst Golf course which is also a crossing for mountain bike riders. Works will include:
• New carpark lines
• Traffic calming
• Formal crossing for the mountain bike trail
Status: Last Updated August 2024
Work Completed June



Bantry Reserve Bypass
A new alignmet that starts at the new Golf course entry shared zone crossing point and follows the powerline easment to the dam wall along side the Wakehurst Golf course and linking back into the existing Manly dam loop near the water tanks.
- Remove conflict between sport spectators and Mountain Bikes
- Use the existing Powerline easment to create an alignment that offers an improved MTB experience
- Installation of a ‘golf ball mesh’ wire fence to protect users
- Installation of a safety fence around Sydney water valve
Downhill section from Wakehurst Parkway to the fire trail to Manly creek
Safer alternatives being considered
Status: last updated August 2024
This section is currently on hold as the State Heritage department reviews the plans. Work will begin once the review is complete.
About the upgrades
A 2021 a mountain bike trail audit and rider feedback helped inform the upgrade works. The following priorities were identified:
- improvements and potential minor realignments at the 19th hole
- improvements and minor realignments in the vicinity of Manning St and Bantry Bay Reserve
- safety improvements to the entry of Wakehurst Golf Club
- improvements and potential minor realignments to the fire trail descent off the Trig Track.
A community working group, comprised of representatives from groups representing riders, the local environment, and the Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park Advisory Committee, has advised on upgrades.
These works are part of a broader strategy providing more places to ride and Council is working with the community to deliver on the commitments outlined in the Council’s Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Strategy and Action Plan 2022.
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