Policy framework

Public Interest Disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 establishes a system to encourage people who work in the public sector to report serious wrongdoing without fear of reprisal, such as adverse treatment, intimidation or being sued for defamation. A report of wrongdoing made under the provisions of the PID Act is known as a Public Interest Disclosure (PID). 

Appointment of Committee Members Policy

Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy

The aim of the Policy is to facilitate a positive working relationship between councillors, as the community’s elected representatives, and staff, who are employed to administer the operations of the Council. The Policy provides direction on interactions between councillors and staff to assist both parties in carrying out their day-to-day duties professionally, ethically and respectfully.

Councillor Use of Social Media Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for Councillors about the personal and professional use of social media. Social media is an important communication, engagement and customer service channel which can encourage dialogue between Councillors and the community.

This policy intends to assist Councillors to use social media in a way that minimises exposure of both Councillors and Council to legal risk. In particular, it outlines guidance for Councillors with regards to confidentiality, governance, privacy, record keeping and other legal and regulatory risks when using social media.

Work Health and Safety

The Northern Beaches Council’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy outlines Council’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe environment for all workers including volunteers, contractors, students and visitors.

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy

Northern Beaches Council is committed to maintaining trust and building advocacy with the community and stakeholders through a robust and vigilant fraud and corruption prevention approach.  This Policy and Plan outlines Council’s zero-tolerance position on any fraudulent or corrupt behaviour and establishes a framework to prevent fraud and corruption, proactively monitor, maintain and build awareness of its fraud and corruption prevention controls and strategies. 

Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy

Northern Beaches Council is committed to developing an induction and ongoing professional development program for the Mayor and Councillors to ensure they can fulfil their statutory roles and responsibilities.

Code of Conduct Policy

The Northern Beaches Council adopted the Northern Beaches Council Code of Conduct and the Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct at the Ordinary Meeting of 26 July 2022. This code is prescribed by regulation and sets out the minimum requirements of conduct that must be observed by Council Officials including committee members, staff, delegates, contractors and consultants in carrying out their functions for Council.

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