Make sure you know these common parking rules
Let’s face it, no one likes to get a parking ticket.
To save you getting the road rule book out again here’s a reminder of some common parking rules that people don’t know or get caught out on.
These rules are applicable Australia-wide and can be commonly found around our neighbourhood.

No stopping on continuous yellow edge line or sign
The continuous yellow line against the kerb indicates an area where cars cannot stop, not even for a second, and has the same implications as a No Stopping sign.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points* Towing charges may also apply.

Yellow line along the side of the road - broken
The broken yellow line against the kerb indicates a clearway in the times signposted. If there is no sign, it indicates no stopping at any time - not even for a second.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points* Towing charges may also apply.

No parallel parking the wrong way
Always park parallel to the kerb and gutter, in the correct direction of travel. Do not park facing oncoming traffic and other vehicles. This provides for safe exit from the kerb.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points*

No parking across a driveway
To ensure pedestrian safety and access, do not park in or across a driveway (even your own). Ensure your car is within the front boundary of the property or parked safely in the street.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points*

No stopping at or near a pedestrian crossing
All vehicles must not stop 20 metres before and 10 metres after a pedestrian crossing, unless a signpost allows.
Minimum penalty $362 and 2 demerit points*

No parking on a painted island
No parking or stopping on a painted island (where there are painted lines, stripes or chevrons in a colour that contrasts with the road). These are often next to accessible parking spaces to allow passenger exit room.
Minimum penalty $120 and 0 demerit points*

Do not stop in a bus zone
All vehicles must not stop in a bus zone, as indicated by the arrow on the sign, unless you are driving an authorised public bus.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points*

No parking within three metres of a median strip or double white lines
There must be three metres between the side of your car and double white lines or a median strip, unless a sign indicates otherwise. This is to allow other vehicles to pass safely.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points*

No parking within 10 metres of intersection
Always allow 10 metres from an intersecting road to the front of your parked car, unless a sign permits.
Minimum penalty $362 and 2 demerit points*

No angle parking to the road unless sign posted
Always park parallel to the road, unless there are signs permitting. No parking at any angle to the road.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points*

No parking
Do not stop for more than two minutes in a No Parking area. Remain in or within three metres of the vehicle. An exception applies to Mobility Parking Permit holders who can park for up to five minutes.
Minimum penalty $120 and 0 demerit points*

No stopping at or near a bus stop
All vehicles (except a public bus), must not stop 20 metres before and 10 metres after the bus stop sign. Some locations will be signed, but others are not. Even if there is no sign, you must follow these rules.
Minimum penalty $283 and 0 demerit points*
* Correct as at July 2022