
Follow the Planning our sustainable future project and have your say

To accommodate our evolving community and manage future growth on the Beaches, we need to think about how our places are planned.

Since 2019, Council has been working with our community to bring together our current local planning controls to create one new planning framework that will guide and manage future development in the Northern Beaches over the next 20 years. This will provide the community with a clearer, simpler and fairer set of planning rules to guide and manage future development.

To date, Council has completed the following components of the new planning framework:  

The final components will include a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and a Development Control Plan (DCP), to replace our current four Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) and four Development Control Plans (DCPs).

What's happening next?

At its Extraordinary Council meeting on 17 June 2024, the Council resolved to submit a Planning Proposal for the creation of a new, consolidated Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces for Gateway Determination, a necessary step before it can be placed on public exhibition. It is anticipated that the Planning Proposal and draft Development Control Plan (DCP) will be exhibited in mid-2025. 

Find more information and get involved

Head over to Your Say for more information on the draft LEP and DCP, to register for updates and to participate.

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People walking along the Corso, Manly