Our Backyard Habitat program is focused on helping you create a native habitat garden that attracts birds, bees, butterflies and other native species.
Growing native plants in your backyard helps to create wildlife corridors for our native animals to move safely between our bushland reserves, whilst maybe grabbing a bite to eat along the way!
Background to the program
As part of the program we are giving away plants that are caringly propagated by our Bushcare volunteers from locally sourced seeds at our community nurseries at Manly Dam and Curl Curl.
During COVID-19 lockdown, our volunteers are at home and not able to use these plants as intended – new plantings to help regenerate public bushland and as gifts for new Australian citizens – so we want them to go to happy homes.
Our team matched native plants to each backyard/garden - and delivered them contact-free.
We were delighted by the community’s fantastic response!
In 2020, over 2200 plants were delivered to 750 homes. We delivered approx 3000 plants to 1000 households in 2021.
Please send photos and videos of your native habitat gardens and tree plantings to backyardhabitat@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au. We may place your photo on this webpage to inspire other garden enthusiast residents.