Our community's aspirations for the Northern Beaches are outlined in:
- CSP 2040 - Community Strategic Plan (CSP), a 20-year vision required under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act)
- Towards 2040 – Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), a 20-year land-use planning vision required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act)
CSP 2040 and Towards 2040 are based on extensive community engagement and directions from the Greater Sydney Region Plan, North District Plan and other key documents including Future Transport 2056 and State Infrastructure Strategy 2028.
Community Strategic Plan
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) defines our community’s vision and sets a direction for everything we must do over the next 20 years with our future planning, budgets and actions. The responsibility for making the long term community vision a reality rests with everyone and we look forward to working in close collaboration with the community, key partners and stakeholders in making Northern Beaches an even better place to live, work and play. Aligned to state and regional plans, the CSP also sets out the range of government and other agencies with which we partner.
Local Strategic Planning Statement
The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets our land use vision, and planning principles, priorities, and actions for the next 20 years.
The statement expresses the desired future direction for housing, employment, transport, recreation, environment and infrastructure for the Northern Beaches LGA as a whole, and guides the content of Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).
The LSPS must be consistent with the Community Strategic Plan and be supported by the Greater Sydney Commission for consistency with the Greater Sydney Region Plan and North District Plan. It must be considered in the preparation of LEPs, DCPs & LEP and DCP amendments and may also support Council’s consideration and determination of development applications.
Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework
The integrated planning and reporting framework requires every NSW council to undertake long term planning with their community on services and facilities, informed by plans for finances, assets and the workforce. The framework is designed so that Council and the community both have a clear picture of:
- Where we want to go (Community Strategic Plan and Local Strategic Planning Statement)
- How we plan to get there (Delivery Program, Operational Plan, Resourcing Strategy)
- How we will measure our progress (quarterly, annual and end of term reports)
The following diagram shows the relationship between the documents:
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
The Delivery Program outlines the work we will undertake over the next four years in response to community aspirations in the Community Strategic Plan. It outlines our key projects and services and how these will be funded.
The Operational Plan includes financial estimates and performance indicators that will be used to measure and determine the effectiveness of the activities detailed in the Plan.
- Delivery Program (4 years) and Operational Plan (1 year) - Amended Council meeting 28 January 2025
- Fees and Charges
Resourcing Strategy
The Resourcing Strategy identifies the money, assets and people required to deliver on our commitments over the next 10 years. The document consists of:
Introduction - sets out what the strategy is and why it is needed.
Workforce Management Strategy – covers a four year period and ensures we have the skills and resources available to achieve our goals.
Long Term Financial Plan – covers a 10 year period and ensures we are a financially viable, adequately funded and sustainable organisation.
Asset Management Strategy – covers a 10 year period and demonstrates how we manage our assets using a lifecycle approach to support services provided to the community.
Asset Management Plan– a 10 year plan for investment into our infrastructure that discusses the considerations between risk, performance and cost across our asset portfolio.
Regular Reporting
Council reports regularly to the community on the progress in implementing these plans. This includes:
- Quarterly - progress on implementing the Operational Plan
- Annually – progress on implementing the Operational Plan, Delivery Program and Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Other reports detail progress undertaken during an elected Council's term in implementing the Community Strategic Plan and Local Strategic Planning Statement
Capital Works Program
We undertake hundreds of capital works projects across the Northern Beaches each year, as well as routine projects and maintenance works that take place every day.
View the current capital works program and interactive map for a full list of capital and operational projects.