
Plans of Management (POM) categorise land, authorise leases or licenses and determine what development can take place. The key values of the land and its purpose are identified so they can be protected and enhanced. Council ensures public consultation happens for plans of management before they are adopted. 

Forestville Park Plan of Management

The Forestville Park Plan of Management covers bushland and park areas identified as Forestville Park. The main value of the bushland reserve is conservation of remnant bushland and low impact recreation. It also presents aesthetic, scientific, educational and heritage value.
Forestville Park contains large areas of intact bushland which provides habitat for locally significant flora and fauna species and may also provide habitat for species listed as threatened under state and federal legislation. The reserve shares a boundary with a National Park and also forms part of
a regional core habitat. A known Aboriginal heritage site is present adjacent to the National Park.
The Plan’s actions and directions focus on protecting these values, with the ecological value of the bushland being the primary value.