Thursday, 23 November 2023

A resounding applause was echoed at Freshwater Beach today (Thursday 23 November) with the renaming of Undercliff Reserve in Freshwater after environmental advocate and local legend, the late Irene Crump.

The fitting honour was initiated by Friends of Freshwater and supported by her family. Three of her four children – Jann, Christine and Bronwyn and grand children and great grand children witnessed this important occasion.  

As legend has it, Ms Crump, who was also the Director of Harbord Community Kindergarten, stopped at nothing to save this beautiful foreshore reserve so it could be retained for local children to enjoy as well as the amazing vista. Mrs Crump climbed what is understood to be a large Coral tree and refused to come down when contractors came in to start developing the site.

According to a Manly Daily article from 11 September 1991 Mrs Crump was dubbed ‘Harbord’s bravest woman’. In the article she recalls that fateful day in 1970.

They were cutting the branches off the tree from around my legs and told me that if I didn’t move I could get hurt or even killed … So I told them there were more ways to die for your country than going to war!

Irene also spent two months fighting the proposed development in court. Eventually the development was scaled back, and part of the land was retained for community use.

Her bravery and dedication in fighting to protect the reserve paid off and her legacy lives on.

Her daughter Bronwyn Simmons said the naming is a great honour and very well deserved.

“Mum was a passionate person. She cared deeply for children and the environment they would inherit. She not only worked tirelessly for children locally but raised money for children in Hong Kong who could not afford to pay for their education. And she couldn’t have done it without our father’s support.  

“Mum would have been so pleased that this area has remained with no development there for the community to enjoy the spectacular view of Freshwater Beach. Mum’s grandchildren and now great grandchildren have come to see where one person can make a difference.” Ms Simmons said.

The naming of the reserve has been approved by the Geographical Names Board and is in accordance with Council’s Naming our Reserves, Facilities and Roads Policy.

More information about the reserve can be found here.