Community Centres Policy

Northern Beaches Council Community Centres are safe, welcoming, inclusive, accessible and affordable public spaces for the whole community. They are vibrant modern facilities that support and enable programs that provide diverse opportunities for a rich social and cultural life, encouraging good health, social interaction, creativity and learning.

Council will manage and maintain community facilities that are responsive to community priorities and support community organisations through the provision of facilities at a subsidised rate, if and when available.

As public trustee and guardian of public and community assets Council will provide access for all members of the community. Council will actively pursue innovative ways to maximise the use of public and community assets. (Community Development & Services Policy, adopted 25 May 2019)

Council will provide an equitable and transparent framework for the management of Council’s network of community centres. The operational management model will be flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of the community.

Adopted by Northern Beaches Council 23 March 2021

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