
Development contributions are a levy on new development to fund new or upgraded local infrastructure such as parks, roads and traffic treatments, footpaths and cycleways, community spaces such as libraries, community facilities, child care and public art, and stormwater and drainage improvements. Contributions can be made by cash contribution or through a Planning Agreement.

Council’s Development Contributions Register summarises the development consents required to pay development contributions to Council.

Payment of contributions

Paying development contributions can be made:

Current Contributions Plans

Northern Beaches Local Government Area (excluding Warriewood, Frenchs Forest Town Centre and Dee Why Town Centre)

This Plan applies to the Northern Beaches LGA excluding the Warriewood Valley Release Area, Frenchs Forest Town Centre and Dee Why Town Centre. The Plan applies a contribution based on the cost of the development (EPA Regulation 2021 - Clause 208). This Plan came into effect on 1 June 2022 and repealed the Northern Beaches Section 7.12 Contributions Plan 2021.

Dee Why Town Centre

This Plan applies to the Dee Why Town Centre and applies a levy to fund the infrastructure improvements required to support the future anticipated population in the Town Centre. The contributions rates are adjusted each quarter in accordance with CPI and the adopted Contributions Plan. If you need help please email our team.

Warriewood Valley Release Area

This Plan applies to the Warriewood Valley Release Area and applies a levy to fund the infrastructure improvements required to support the future anticipated population in the release area. This Plan came into force on 1 July 2022.

Frenchs Forest Town Centre

The Frenchs Forest Town Centre Contributions Plan 2023 came into force on 20 December 2023. This Plan applies to land within the Frenchs Forest 2041 Place Strategy and levies development to fund the provision of traffic and transport improvements, open space and water management. The Department of Planning has confirmed that this is an IPART-reviewed plan and is not subject to the cap on residential contribution rates. 

Repealed Contribution Plans