Wildlife Protection Areas are public places set apart for the protection of our native animals and their habitats under the NSW Companion Animals Act, 1998.
View the full list of Wildlife Protection Areas.
These bushland areas have been identified to support populations of vulnerable native wildlife, such as possums, birds and lizards. This declaration also aims to increase community awareness of our local wildlife and encourage responsible pet ownership. Cats are prohibited from entering a Wildlife Protection Area at all times and dogs are prohibited from some and must be on a lead and remain on established tracks, within the others.
If your cat or unleashed dog is in a Wildlife Protection Area you may be fined under the NSW Companion Animals Act, 1998.
Why they are important
Our diverse bushland is home to hundreds of unique native animal species such as fairy wrens, honeyeaters, tree frogs, sugar gliders, water dragons, skinks and owls. A number of these species are threatened with extinction and need our help to ensure their survival.
The reserves declared as Wildlife Protection Areas have been identified as supporting some of the most important biodiversity values in the region. Native wildlife such as birds, lizards, frogs and possums are vulnerable to carnivorous pet animals such as cats and dogs who are allowed to roam and hunt. The number of native animals injured or killed in your area can be reduced by keeping your cat on your property and inside at night and walking your dog on a leash on formal tracks only.
What you can do
- Keep cats indoors at night and away from native bushland outside of your property during the day.
- Keep your dog on a leash and remain on established tracks when walking your companion animal.
- Keep your dog out of Category 1 Wildlife Protection Areas.
- Please clean-up after your dog when it defecates.
- Native vegetation, animals, bush rock and other natural features are protected and must not be removed.
- Use of motor vehicles and motorbikes is not allowed in Wildlife Protection Areas.
- Dumping of garden waste and other rubbish is not permitted.
Council carries out trapping programs to remove stray cats in Wildlife Protection Areas.