Deep Creek Reserve is located along Wakehurst Parkway and is one of the Northern Beaches highest conservation reserves. The reserve contains a small freshwater wetland on  the lower section of the reserve which is a form of Sydney Freshwater Wetlands, listed as a Threatened Ecological Community in NSW. This reserve contributes to a regional corridor providing movement for an abundance of native animals including threatened pygmy possums (Cercartetus nanus), powerful owls (Ninox strenua) and heath monitors (Varanus rosengergi).


Vegetation communities in the reserve include Coastal Freshwater Wetlands, North Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests, Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests, Coastal Freshwater Lagoons and three Threatened Ecological Communities Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, Sydney Freshwater Wetlands and River Flat Eucalyptus Forest. Dominant trees located on the sandstone ridgetop of the reserve include Sydney Redgum (Angophora costata),  Sydney Peppermint (Eucalyptus piperita) and Red Bloodwood (Corymbit gummifera) and on the floodplain She Oaks (Casuarina glauce). 

Within the shrub layer, flora species include Christmas Bush (Ceratopetulaum gummiferum), Sunshine Wattle (Acacia terminalis) and Old Man Banksia (Banksia serrata) and  within the floodplain and wetland areas dominant species include ferns (Calochlaena duba) and (Blechnum cartilagineum), sedges (Baumea Spp.) and (Juncus prismatocarpus) and rushes (Gahnia Spp) all of which provide important habitat for several species of frogs.


The habitats within Deep Creek Reserve and its connectivity to Garigal National Park and the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park make the area one of the most diverse reserves on the Northern Beaches for fauna. It is estimated that over 100 species would use the reserve with many of these being permanent residents. The reserve contains large tree hollows which are used by arboreal mammals, bats and a variety of birds. The rocky outcrops, fallen logs and thick groundcover provide niches for reptiles, frogs and small mammals. The vast array of flowering plants within the reserve are an important resource for both insectivorous and insectivorous birds, mammals and insects.

Several threatened species have been recorded in the vicinity and many more are likely to use Deep Creek Reserve including; Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) and Black Bittern (Ixobrychus flavicollis), Glossy Black-cockatoo's (Calyptorhynchus lathami) which feed on the Casuarina seeds, Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) and Masked Owl (Tyto novaehollandiae) that will prey on arboreal mammals such as possums and gliders.

Wildlife Protection Area

Dogs and cats prohibited at all times. Find out more


Wakehurst Parkway

North Narrabeen NSW 2101