
Registrations are open

Northern Composure Unplugged is back in 2025. Unplugged is an acoustic competition for all Northern Beaches musicians aged 12-24.

This music comp offers acoustic performers local exposure as well as invaluable stage experience. Compete in a series of online and live heats, and final events for a prize pool.

Key dates for 2025

  • Entries open: Monday 17 February
  • Entries close: Sunday 9 March
  • Songwriting Workshop with KLP: Wednesday 19 March, Mona Vale Performance Space 
  • Heat 1: Thursday 3 April, 6 - 9pm, Mona Vale Library
  • Heat 2: Thursday 10 April, 6 - 9pm, Manly Library
  • Heat 3: Thursday 17 April, 6 - 9pm, Forestville Library
  • Final: Thursday 24 April, 6 - 9pm, Westfield Warringah Mall, Food Court Arena

Application form

Before applying make sure you read through the terms and conditions, including the eligibility criteria.

If you are selected to progress through to the heats, you will need to pay an entry fee of $20 per act (including GST) to compete.

Privacy protection notice

Purpose of collection: For performers applying to participate in Northern Composure Unplugged.
Intended recipients: Council staff and contractors.
Supply: For correspondence purposes 
Access/Correction: Contact the Customer Service Team to access or correct this information on 1300 434 434
Storage: Northern Beaches Council, 1 Belgrave Street, Manly NSW 2095

View Privacy Policy.

Performer details
Re-order Performer name Age Phone number School Postcode Weight Operations
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Please list the main contact first


This can be uploaded onto a video hosting site e.g. YouTube, Vimeo or Dropbox. Please check the settings to make sure we can access it.
Please submit a short bio. This can include your inspirations, hopes / aspirations and achievements. We may use this along with the photo provided to highlight you on the KALOF social media.
Please submit a photograph of you. This may be used to promote your brand via the KALOF social media.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.
Parents / guardians names
Re-order Performer name Parent / Guardian name Parent / Guardian contact no. Weight Operations
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Terms and conditions

Before submitting your entry, please make sure you read the terms and conditions of entry, including eligibility criteria.

Terms and Conditions - Northern Composure Unplugged

Make sure you read the terms and conditions before submitting your entry.

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Find out about our sponsorship opportunities to maximise exposure to your business or brand

Female singer with microphone and guitar