Wednesday, 25 May 2022

One of our most popular aquatic reserves Cabbage Tree Bay marks a special anniversary this year, having been declared a ‘No Take’ Aquatic Reserve 20 years ago.

The declaration means that the reserve’s plants, animals and habitats can flourish as fishing is prohibited, including the collection of marine organisms.

To help celebrate this important milestone, come along and join us at Day at the Bay for fun and educational activities being held at the reserve on World Environment Day Sunday 5 June, 10 – 4pm.

The event kicks off with a smoking ceremony and First Nations’ dance performance from 10am.

Activities include kids’ art, marine talks and walks, a display of the finalists of the UNDERWATER Photography Competition and live music throughout the day.

You can also chat with the Friends of Cabbage Tree Bay, a volunteer group who have been instrumental in educating visitors about the reserve’s rich biodiversity.

Want to see the aquatic reserve close up? Bring along your snorkel and dive in - you might spot a wobbegong, ray, cuttlefish or even a shark!

Not ready to take a dip? Then view our latest video with Marine Ecologist Sian Liddy who discusses the Dusky Whaler Shark. Many juveniles of the species spend the early stages of their lives in this safe haven.

View video.

View more videos in the Life Below Water video series, with expert marine biologists sharing their knowledge of this precious location.

For more about Cabbage Tree Bay and getting involved.