Accidental drownings remain a common cause of accidental death in children and is why swimming lessons are so important.
More than just teaching essential life-saving skills, lessons offer important foundational skills. Plus, it’s an activity that children of any age or ability can take part in.
Children can learn to swim at a young age when it’s more about fun and getting used to the water. Over time they learn breath control, submersion, floating and propulsion, essential water safety skills that underpin everything else.
And even if your child hasn’t warmed to lessons in the past, consider re-visiting swimming instruction with an alternative teacher – or venue – to create a more positive experience.
As enrolments open for lessons, here’s a reminder of why swim lessons are so valuable:
Life skills
Mastering swimming through regular practice is good for confidence, self-belief and resilience.
Exercise is good for heart and lungs, builds strength and flexibility, increases stamina and even improves balance and posture.
Research shows that learning to swim at a young age supports advanced physical and cognitive abilities.
There are plenty of opportunities for your child to make friends and build healthy relationships with other adults. Plus, it’s fun!
Other sports
Swimming skills enable entry to other activities and sports that require swimming ability, such as kayaking or canoeing, surfing, surf life-saving, boating, scuba diving, triathlon and many more.
The future
With mastery and practice, swimming can be a route to competition. It can also be a great part-time job as a teenager and even lead to a career and is a recreational skill that lasts through life.
Councils 2 aquatic centres – Manly Andrew 'Boy' Charlton and Warringah – both offer Learn to Swim lessons for children of all ages from the beginning of the school year. Enrolments are now open.