The Northern Beaches is one step closer to becoming plastic-free with two new policies that will drastically reduce single-use plastics across the peninsula.

The Waste Minimisation at Functions and Events Policy requires all event organisers to promote and practice waste avoidance principles and increase resource recovery at all public events held on Council property. 

The Single Use Plastics Policy encourages responsible procurement and consumption practices within Council and the community and boosts capacity to drive policy change at all levels of government. Both were adopted at Tuesday’s meeting.

Council Administrator Dick Persson AM said that Council had taken the lead on the plastics issue and prepared the policy in response to a call from the community.

“Protecting our natural and marine environment from plastic pollution, and safeguarding the future state of the Northern Beaches is a huge priority for Council,” said Mr Persson.

Council’s policy was on public exhibition between 5 July and 3 August and was met with a positive reaction from the community, with 85 per cent saying they supported it. Supporters want to see a ban on plastic bags, as well as fines, incentives and alternatives on offer across the Northern Beaches.

“It’s surprisingly easy to make the change to reusable alternatives and it’s rewarding to know that your actions are building part of the solution to this environmental problem,” he said.

Council’s Swap This For That campaign demonstrates the positive choices which will help wipe out single-use plastics and includes saying no to single-use plastic bags, bottles, straws and coffee cups - aka the ‘Big 4’.

Council staff have also swapped disposable coffee cups for reusable ones during their morning ritual, which will save up to 50,000 coffee cups each year that cannot be recycled.

Council is also supporting community initiatives to eliminate plastic bags from the Northern Beaches including SO Manly and Boomerang bags.