Community engagement sessions will begin this week on Northern Beaches Council’s Narrabeen Lagoon Draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.

Sessions will be held on Wednesday 5 December from 12-3pm and Thursday 6 December from 1-4pm.

“Community input is an important part of the draft Study and Plan, particularly people’s views on the preferred way to manage flooding in this catchment,” Mayor Regan said.

“The formation of the Northern Beaches Council has enabled a consistent approach to the management of flooding throughout the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment.”

The study has been prepared to help reduce the impact of flooding for residents and businesses in the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment.

Options that were investigated included bridge alterations, levees, drainage improvements and non-structural options such as flood education, flood warning and development controls.

It found that sand removal at the entrance of the Narrabeen Lagoon is still the most effective flood management strategy for the lagoon and surrounding land.

A key recommendation is the preparation of an Entrance Management Strategy for Narrabeen Lagoon. This will investigate the best way to manage sand deposition and removal in the entrance area.

Following completion of the public exhibition, the draft plan will be updated based on community feedback and presented to Council for adoption.

The Narrabeen Lagoon Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan reports and other details can be found on Council’s Your Say page.

The draft study and plan will be on public exhibition from 1 December to 1 February 2019.

Bookings for the community engagement sessions are essential. To make a booking, please contact Valerie Tulk on 9942 2915 or email