As per the Councillor Expenses & Facilities Policy (item 17.1 and 17.2) this table includes expenditure (excluding internal charges for councillor ICT and meetings) summarised by individual Councillor and as a total for all Councillors.

To reference Councillor Expenditure Reports for previous years please refer to our Annual Reports


Councillor Jul 2022 - Jun 2023
Cr Amon * $1,326
Cr Bingham $9,565
Cr Crvelin $11,025
Cr De Luca $15,167
Cr Gencher $16,926
Cr Glanville  $7,767
Cr Grattan


Mayor Heins# $13,266
Cr Korzy $4,040
Cr Menano-Pires $8,336
Cr Page^ $0
Cr Regan** $15,201
Cr Robins $13,507
Cr Ryburn $9,377
Cr Sprott $15,720
Cr Walton $7,429
Sub total Councillors’ expenditure $154,414

* Cr Amon resigned on 16 May 2023

# Mayor Heins was elected to the office of Mayor on 16 May 2023

^ Cr Page was declared on 20 June 2023 and has no reportable expenditure in 2022/23

** Cr Regan served as Mayor from July 2022 to 16 May 2023


Councillor Jul 2021 - Jun 2022
Cr Amon $5,533
Cr Bingham $7,423
Cr Crvelin # $10,717
Cr Daley * $1,157
Cr De Luca $7,447
Cr Ferguson ^* -$455 
Cr Glanville # $5,029
Cr Grattan


Cr Harrison * $232
Cr Heins $13,081
Cr Korzy # $3,906
Cr McTaggart * $0
Cr Menano-Pires # $4,022
Cr Philpott * $416
Cr Robins # $6,813
Cr Ryburn # $12,465
Cr Sprott -$3,053
Cr Walton $4,435
Cr Warren * $195
Cr White * $25
Mayor Regan  $15,957
Total  $110,399

* Council term concluded in December 2021

# New councillors commenced December 2021

^ Refunds for conferences not attended/cancelled put overall costs into credit

^ New Councillors commenced December 2021


Councillor Jul - Dec 2020 Jan - Jun 2021
Cr Amon $2,499 $897
Cr Bingham $3,220 $1,453
Cr Daley $1,529 $996
Cr De Luca $953 $1,614
Cr Ferguson  $804 $2,830
Cr Grattan $941 $161
Cr Harrison $0 $253
Cr Heins $451 $728
Cr McTaggart $0 $30
Cr Philpott $391 $110
Cr Sprott $2,296 $4,432
Cr Walton $1,263 $1,501
Cr Warren $391 $0
Cr White $201 $1,024
Mayor Regan  $4,192 $6,734
Total $19,131 $22,763


Councillor Jul - Dec 2019 Jan - Jun 2020
Cr Amon $3,169 $335
Cr Bingham $3,377 $2,467
Cr Daley $5,515 $2,367
Cr De Luca $5,476 $2,428
Cr Ferguson  $8,274 $2,193
Cr Grattan $1,000 $80
Cr Harrison $450 $190
Cr Heins $5,494 $1,072
Cr McTaggart $0 $0
Cr Philpott $1,966 $731
Cr Sprott $9,252 $1,621
Cr Walton $4,371 $382
Cr Warren $314 $107
Cr White $3,834 $1,630
Mayor Regan  $12,106 $12,309
Total $64,599 $27,911