We're looking to team up with local businesses eager to show their support for local community leaders building social connections across the Northern Beaches.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are open to local businesses who are willing to share a variety of their products and/or services to make the social gathering even more special.

Our It Takes a Village program encourages local residents to build stronger bonds with their neighbours and to get more involved in their local community. One of the main ways this is done is through hosting a Meet Your Neighbour party. Meet Your Neighbour parties can be small in scale in front yards, verges, strata blocks, local parks, or they can also include approved street closures in eligible streets across the Northern Beaches.

In-kind support towards local Meet Your Neighbour parties (up to a total value of $500 per party) may include things like food products, non-alcoholic beverages, non-plastic picnicware and more.

Neighbourhood parties can help build strong communities which contributes to the improved wellbeing of all community members.

Please express your interest by completing and submitting the form below. 

Business details
Business address
Product / service details
Products can be up to the value of $500 per party
How many parties would you like to support per year?
How much would you like to contribute per party? ($)
Contributions are capped at $500 per party.
e.g. refrigeration required
Terms and conditions

Read Event Waste Management Guidelines (PDF)

Plastic and polystyrene products and packaging, including drinking cups, food containers, drinking straws and stirrers, cutlery, plates etc, must not be used or distributed at events.

Privacy policy
Purpose of collection: For participants in the It Takes A Village Program.
Intended recipients: Northern Beaches Council staff and approved Meet Your Neighbour hosts.
Supply: Mandatory for purposes of submitting an EOI for It Takes a Village program.
Access / Correction: Contact Customer Service on 1300 434 434.
Collected and held by: Collected are held by Northern Beaches Council.

Read Privacy Policy

Host a Meet Your Neighbour party

Neighbourhood parties can be as small as a BBQ in your local park or as big as closing down your...
