Tuesday, 5 March 2024

A new cohort of 25 young people have formed to make the 2024/25 Youth Advisory Group (YAG) to participate, engage and have a voice in their local community by actively participating in decisions that affect them.

Members of the Youth Advisory Group were selected through a competitive application process, ensuring representation from various demographics, interests and experiences.

These passionate individuals bring a wealth of knowledge, creativity and enthusiasm to the table, embodying the diversity and dynamism of our youth population.

Of the 25 participants, five represent each of the five council wards and are aged between 12 and 24-years of age. They also come from 10 different schools, two universities and have both self-employed and part-time members.

Commitment to the program includes a monthly meeting to discuss matters that impact youth in our community and have a platform to voice their opinions.  

The objectives of the Youth Advisory Group over the next two years includes:

  • delivering several actions of the Youth Voice Action Plan 2028
  • supporting the Beaches Leadership Team
  • engaging with a school captains network representing a number of local high schools
  • hosting Have Your Say Day
  • championing issues that are important to young people
  • advocating for positive change, as well as
  • providing insights, feedback, and recommendations to stakeholders on matters relevant to young people.

The group will also have various skills development, training, and volunteering opportunities not to mention the new connections they’ll make and some added benefits like free entry to youth events.

Former YAG and now Council employee, 20-year-old Alex Yuen said the opportunity to be part of this group was a wonderful experience.

“I gained a lot of perspective from my experience in YAG, particularly around different and often complex issues that my peers were passionate about.

“There were so many positives of being part of the cohort including meeting new people, building friendships, being a part of local events, and learning about all the different initiatives that Council was working on.

“Being a YAG is a platform which enables you to be involved in your community, giving you a genuine voice in shaping the future – you have inherited this privilege.

“My role now in the Transport Network team feels like I get to give back to my community because often the little things we deliver on the ground that can make the biggest difference to people.” Alex said.

Want to know more about the group and its members? Visit our website