Mayor Sue Heins

Read the Mayor’s message for updates on new recreational facilities and libraries, latest major projects, news and big picture issues that affect the Northern Beaches.

Friday 1 December 2023

This week, the Hon. Paul Scully MP, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, announced significant planning reforms to expedite a diverse range of housing options in NSW. The proposed changes allow more diverse and affordable housing near transport hubs and town centres in an attempt to boost the housing supply.

This news comes just weeks after the Minister wrote to mayors of all councils emphasising the need for councils to review policies. While NSW needs to address this housing crisis, the abrupt shift from consulting councils to proposing a broad State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) raises significant concerns.

Council recognises housing challenges and is already working on solutions aligned with our endorsed Local Housing Strategy. Still, a one-size-fits-all approach limits local planning flexibility, eliminates proper community consultation and removes local strategic planning for housing growth.

Council agreed this week to voice our apprehensions to the Minister and prepare a submission against the proposal for the forthcoming SEPP public consultation.

On a lighter note, last night, we marked a spectacular celebration of our 30th Ocean Festival, where we awarded the winners of the UNDERWATER! 2023 Photo Competition. 

A stunning image of a giant cuttlefish swooshing through shallow water at Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve won the overall winner's prize. Seven other entries were also awarded, with winners sharing in a prize pool of $4,400.

'UNDERWATER!' is a competition that highlights local photographers' incredible talent and shines a light on our pristine Aquatic reserves.

There's a valuable world of marine life in our waterways. The Ocean Festival and this competition bring to the surface an opportunity to look at what lies beneath and value and protect our marine environment for future generations.

Congratulations to all the winners and judges, and thank you to all entrants for participating in the competition.

View all images from the finalists.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 24 November 2023

As we approach the season of giving and gratitude, we must address an issue that continues to mar the lives of far too many in our community—gender-based violence. Together, we must unite against such acts and build a community where safety, respect, and equality are non-negotiable.

The United Nations' 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign for global action starts tomorrow, 25 November and runs until 10 December. I encourage everyone to engage with the campaign, learn more about the issue, and be part of the solution. Education is a powerful tool, and by understanding the signs of domestic violence and challenging harmful stereotypes, we can create an environment where victims feel supported and empowered to seek help.

Another issue that affects everyone in our community, particularly as we approach the Christmas period, is cyber security and scams.

Next week is Scams Awareness Week, a time to slow down and think about who we’re really dealing with before acting or purchasing.

We increasingly hear frightening stories of friends and family being victims of scams and fraud. Scammers can reach us in many ways like text, messaging apps, websites, social media, email or phone. At the recent Community Safety Advisory Committee meeting, it was alarming to hear from Police that cyber fraud is rising, especially targeting older people in our community.

If you are aware of a scam, help others by reporting the scam to the National Anti-Scam Centre via

Council is hosting a series of information and tech help sessions at our libraries to help people who might need a little guidance to develop new skills to spot a scam and keep safe online. Find one near you.

I also encourage the seniors in our community to visit their local Computer Pals branch for some one-on-one help.

Stay safe and have a lovely weekend.

Friday 17 November 2023

As a forward-thinking community committed to looking after the environment, we recognise that local businesses can collectively reduce their carbon footprint by joining forces to lower electricity costs.

To support our business community, we are actively supporting the formation of a buyers’ group from the Northern Beaches business community to secure a 100% renewable, long-term electricity Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The initiative represents a crucial step towards attaining net zero emissions by 2050 and offers a fantastic framework for positive change.

The more businesses that participate, the greater the discounts and benefits. I encourage businesses to register interest by 15 December 2023. Get more information about the initiative being run by Business Green Energy here.

This week is National Recycling Week, and the 2023 theme is 'What Goes Around Comes Around', emphasising the need to give resources a second life, consume less, and reduce the need for new items. The campaign aligns well with Council's draft Waste and Circular Economy Strategy 2040 – Rethink. Reduce. Reuse, currently on public exhibition. Share your thoughts on shifting habits, managing waste differently and planning for a cleaner future by 10 December.

You may have noticed that it's starting to feel a little Christmassy around our town centres and villages. Council has been busy putting decorations up and is preparing for a wonderful lead up to Christmas with popular markets and events at Dee Why and Manly. Visit our what's on page to view our Christmas events.

If you plan to celebrate with your neighbourhood, have you considered applying to have your street closed off for a street party? Our website has some helpful guides to plan a neighbourhood party and you can apply there too.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 10 November 2023

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, a special occasion for us to honour all those who died while serving in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world.

Remembrance Day commemorates the Armistice which formally concluded hostilities in World War I, the ceasefire taking effect at 11am on 11 November 1918 after more than four years of continuous warfare.

Our community has a proud history of commemorating all those who have served in wars and conflicts, with memorials across the peninsula. Today, we are holding a ceremony at Manly Dam, open to all. We will also see many schoolchildren join us. We also expect a big turnout tomorrow at Council’s Manly event on The Corso, and other services happening across the Beaches, which you are welcome to join.

Lest we forget.

Earlier this week, Council opened registrations with an early bird special for the Sun Run 2024. Being 12 weeks away, this is a great opportunity to get fit, train along the coastline race route from Dee Why to Manly, and do something fun with your family and community.

Don't be deterred if you are not a runner, as the event is for everyone, with many opting to walk the 7km or 10km course. Get more information at our event website

On a final note, I'd like to congratulate our local North Narrabeen surfer Laura Enever, who just this week has officially set a new WSL World Record for a monster wave as high as a four-storey building she surfed earlier this year. What an inspiration to all young surfers. I wish her the best of luck as she chases her professional surfing dreams.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 3 November 2023

Our community is so blessed to include many wonderful and diverse cultures. I look forward to seeing our community celebrate the Indian Festival of Diwali this weekend. 

Tomorrow, Saturday, 4 November, Dee Why will come alive in an explosion of colour and live music, with Bollywood dancers, Henna art and kid's crafts. Council has been working with local businesses to bring a great event together for everyone to enjoy. Diwali's message of light and hope resonates with people of all backgrounds, and everyone is welcome. Get more information here

On Sunday, Council is partnering with Kimbriki and local not-for-profits to bring a Reuse and Recycling event to the Beaches. This event is the perfect opportunity to declutter and responsibly dispose of things you no longer need, like clothing, manchester, bicycles, and lots more. Events like this are part of what we know as the 'circular economy' - you can learn more about it and what Council is doing to embrace it here. Before you load the car up and head to the event, please review the list of accepted items and only bring items that are in good condition. 

Less than a week ago, Council recommenced engaging with the community on plans for a new Manly Lifesaving Club. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far. Given this iconic club is valued by so many in our community, I'm not surprised that within just a few days, we have had considerable interest and feedback. 

It's well known that we need a practical, better life saving club at this popular and stunning location and the very best facilities to support our volunteer life savers, Council Lifeguards, club members and community. Rather than indicating what a new building will look like, the concept designs give you an idea of the potential footprint of both a two and three story building and provide options for the public amenities to be contained within the club building or separately.

The plans highlight all the options and benefits that a future building could deliver, but what the final building will look like is still very much on the design table. Please take a look at the concept plans and provide your feedback here

Have a lovely weekend, 

Friday 27 October 2023

While our community is excellent at recycling and is making strides at diverting waste from landfill, we still create over 100,000 tonnes of household waste per year, which must be collected, transported, sorted and processed at waste facilities.

Today, I am pleased to say we are opening our draft Waste and Circular Economy Strategy 2040 – Rethink. Reduce. Reuse. for public consultation. We're on a mission to completely rethink waste management with a waste and litter service that delivers the cleanest public spaces in Sydney.

We understand that our community wants a cleaner and greener environment and is happy to embrace a little change to make it happen. Several new and exciting initiatives are planned, from piloting hubs for local reuse, repair and recycling to a food waste collection and increasing the types of waste that can be recycled.

To expedite this journey, we will collaborate with other metropolitan councils facing similar issues and urge state and federal governments to join forces to provide better planning for future pressures and more significant grant funding and infrastructure.

You can learn more about the strategy and the circular economy and get involved here.

This week, Council announced that we are supporting some 57 new community projects initiated by not-for-profits, artists, and creatives with $292,000 in grant funding. I am so proud of the successful recipients whose projects are destined to promote equality, reduce disparities, and benefit our communities and the environment.

If you know someone, a community group or a special event that makes a difference in our community, please take a few minutes to recognise them and enter them in the annual Australia Day Awards. There are six categories, and nominations close this coming Monday, 30 October.

Have a lovely weekend,

Friday 20 October 2023

Last night, the Glen Street Theatre was buzzing with excitement as we crowned the winners of this year's 24/7 Film Festival Competition. Talented young teams from across the Beaches poured their hearts into their film projects, competing for thousands of dollars’ worth of prizes.

Among the standout entrants, 'T.Warp PTY LTD' earned three well-deserved awards for their submission, A Day in The Life Of A Travelling Entrepreneur. But they were not alone; the other winning teams were equally talented. It's inspiring to witness our incredible filmmaking talent right here in our backyard. Congratulations to all the winners.

Time is running out to have your say to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the the Patyegarang Planning Proposal (previously known as ‘Lizard Rock'). Council wholeheartedly support the intent of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act – after all, this land always was and always will be Aboriginal land – but we simply cannot condone this particular proposal due to the extreme risks and impacts it presents. The planning proposal, if successful, would see the destruction of around 45 football size fields of bushland to build 450 dwellings. You have just over 2-weeks to make a submission at the department’s website.

Earlier this week, our Meals on Wheels team received the prestigious 'Helping Hands' award at the recent Annual General Meeting of the NSW Meals on Wheels Association. We are immensely proud of this service, the dedicated staff and volunteers, and their positive impact on the community. 

Council services the suburbs between North Curl Curl, Seaforth and Manly with meals. If you live in any other suburb of the Northern Beaches, The Village Chef by Meals on Wheels provides meals to your area. If you think the service could help you or someone in your life, you can find out more here.

Tonight, our World Food Markets kick-off at Collaroy Plateau. Please bring your friends and family and enjoy a trip around the globe with the many cuisines on offer.

Have a great weekend,

Friday 13 October 2023

I think we are all still in shock following the sequence of tragic and sad events over the past week, from the fatal accidents on the Northern Beaches to the horrific unrest in Israel.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering loss and grief. The Northern Beaches is home to so many caring and compassionate people, so let’s rally around the families and provide as much support as possible as they navigate this dreadful time.

As Mayor and a strong advocate for domestic violence victims, I was proud to be part of a panel discussion organised by the Mounties Group (Harbord Diggers) as part of a new initiative investigating how clubs can play a role in ending domestic violence. I commend the club for organising the panel and working with the NSW Safety Commission to highlight this critical issue and look for solutions.

Thank you to all the carers in our community as we approach National Carers Week, 15 - 21 October 2023. Council is hosting a series of events and activities throughout the week to honour and acknowledge the immense impact carers have on the lives of those they care for. There’s tai chi, webinars and a special morning tea. Find out more.

On a final note, I would like to wish all our HSC students the very best for their exams, which kicked off a couple of days ago. Over the recent school holidays, it was great to see our libraries heaving with students studying. We continue to offer extended hours for students to access local branches over the exam period. Good luck!

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 6 October 2023

We are so blessed with stunning coastlines that attract people from all over, and Council plays a big role in keeping everyone safe while they enjoy these natural wonders. But we also need your help to ensure we have a safe beach season. 

In the past fortnight, three lucky swimmers have been rescued by community members at our beaches during unpatrolled times using Council's emergency rescue boards. I'd like to thank those kind people who took the initiative to take a board and swim out to save these swimmers.  

To help manage unforeseen situations, Council has installed 60 rescue tube boxes at all beaches and rockpools and several emergency rescue boards at unpatrolled locations and spots known to be hazardous to be available for bystanders to use.    

Our dedicated lifeguards are highly trained professionals committed to keeping our beaches safe. And our volunteer lifesavers work with them hand in glove to watch over beaches and perform first aid and rescues. But as we too often see, outside of patrol hours, accidents and misadventures can happen. 

Locals and visitors who come to the beach to swim should be thinking about water safety - swim between the flags, look for rips and don't enter the surf if it's dangerous. Council will shortly run a beach safety campaign to help educate beach goers ahead of summer. Stay tuned for more information and please share it among your own networks. 

Coinciding with Mental Health Month, Council has organised a series of events and compiled valuable resources on our website to support you. Please do take some time to check in with yourself and those around you and get help where needed. Talk to someone. To get started you can find some helpful resources here.

October is also Small Business Month. I am passionate about helping local businesses in whatever way we can, and I understand the challenges faced by small business owners firsthand. Council has arranged a great event with a strong line up of speakers, that will help participants improve recruitment and staff retention. Please visit our webpage to register for this event.

Friday 29 September

Earlier this week, my fellow Councillors elected me as Mayor, and Councillor Georgia Ryburn as the new Deputy Mayor. I am grateful for the confidence and trust my colleagues have placed in me to continue to represent you in this role. Deputy Mayor Ryburn and I are excited to begin our work and collaborate with colleagues to serve our wonderful community and achieve great things in the coming year.

I would like to express my gratitude to Councillor David Walton for his dedication while serving as Deputy Mayor. Councillor Walton continues to play an important role in representing the Curl Curl ward. He is also a driving force in addressing the significant issue of e-bike safety.

We recognise that the number of e-bikes on our roads, shared pathways, and footpaths continues to increase. While it's great there are potentially fewer cars on the road, we face the challenge of improving public safety.

Over the past few months, Council has been collaborating with the Northern Beaches Police Area Command to audit e-bikes and scooters on local paths. This audit has confirmed several safety issues, including speed, lack of helmet usage and limited knowledge of NSW Road Rules among young riders.

During our Council meeting this week, we resolved to engage with Transport for NSW, urging them to initiate a statewide education campaign and review relevant road rules. Council will also explore ways to accommodate e-bikes better. Stay tuned for further updates.

It could be another scorcher this weekend. Please keep an eye on the NSW Rural Fire Service for news on hazard reduction burns and fire bans. Please take care and stay cool.

Have a lovely weekend.