
Use the Sportsfield Status page to search for fields by name and if they are open or closed for use. During bad weather this page is updated at 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday and by 7am on weekends.

If it rains after these updates a sporting association may also make the decision to not proceed with some games.

You can also use the facilities search area on the Sportsfields page to find a field by sport / code type for a more detailed view.

Sports bookings

Find out how to book a sportsfield or venue.

Recreation centres

Our recreation centres host a variety of interests - from indoor and outdoor sports, to art exhibitions and a range...


Basketball courts

With a range of full and half size basketball courts across the Northern Beaches you're sure to make a slam...


Futsal pitches

Join in the fast and fun game of futsal with a variety indoor and outdoor facilities on the Northern Beaches.


Golf courses

We have a range of short and long game golf courses on the Northern Beaches set against picturesque backdrops where...


Skate parks

Whether you're just starting to ollie or have perfected the vert ramp, we have a variety of skate parks on...



You can find all our Northern Beaches sportsfields updates here.


Tennis courts

There are so many great tennis courts on the Northern Beaches.


Field closure FAQs

With more than 50,000 registered players plus casual users our sports and recreational facilities are under pressure and sometimes need...
