Better Together 2040 was adopted in 2021 by Council and provides clear strategic direction to guide and focus Council’s work to ensure that the Northern Beaches is socially sustainable into the future.

The purpose of the Youth Voice Action Plan 2028 - Shaping the Beaches' Future is to outline five years of actions for youth development that will support and engage young people to participate in community life and achieving the outcomes outlined in Better Together 2040.

Young people are active contributors and essential to a thriving and vibrant community. The experience of young people on the Northern Beaches is constantly evolving. All young people on the Northern Beaches are empowered to participate in community life in a way that matters to them

Delivering the Plan

The implementation of the Plan will be delivered in collaboration with teams across Council, the youth services sector and young people. Implementation of the plan will be supported by detailed action planning and outcome measurement and monitored by Council and the Youth Advisory Group. Young people will be included in ongoing consultation to ensure that the Plan remains responsive to their needs.