Pilu at Freshwater wine tasting experience
Saturday, 4 May 2024 - 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Sardinia may be a moderate sized island, but the wines produced here range from heavy weight reds to crisp, light whites. The terroir of the island significantly changes as you move through the different regions, which gives the island its capacity to create such unique and interesting wines. 

Pilu at Freshwater has showcased these wines for 20 years and this is your chance to sample a wide range of Sardinian Wines and speak directly to the importers to not only gain knowledge, but purchase some of your favourites to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.

This event includes roaming canapes and wine tasting.


Per person

Pilu at Freshwater


Freshwater Beach, Moore Road

Freshwater NSW 2096